Gold Standard

Secured by Physical Gold

Silver Standard

Secured by Physical Silver

MAYCOIN Ecosystem

Independent Audits & Blockchain Technology


Gold & Silver Crypto Coins

MAYCOINS are gold and silver-guaranteed crypto coins that combine the benefits of digital assets with the long-term growth and unquestioned stability of gold and silver. The value of a MAYCOIN cannot fall below the value of gold and silver in reserve. The upper limit of its value will be determined by investor confidence in gold and or silver over the long-term. MAYCOINS Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kestrel Assets Limited, which also owns MAYARUM and manages all of the gold and other precious metal holdings on behalf of its parent company, Mayside Partners Limited.

Upon issue MAYCOINS will have a supply of 500,000,000 gold coins and 500,000,000 silver coins, which can only be increased by the introduction of and verification of additional gold and or silver reserves at the prevailing rate of the bullion.


Gold Standard

Each Gold-Backed MAYCOIN (MAYAU) is guaranteed by a tangible amount of gold held in secure reserves. The gold reserves are regularly audited by an independent firm to ensure transparency and trust. The supply of MAYCOINS is not fixed; it increases in direct proportion to the amount of gold added to reserves.


Stable Ecosystem

The value of MAYCOINS are linked to the price of gold and or silver, making them less susceptible to the extreme volatility often seen in other cryptocurrencies. Investors also benefit from the historical stability and anticipated appreciation potential of both gold and silver, with reduced speculation.


Silver Standard

Each Silver-Backed MAYCOIN (MAYAG) is guaranteed by a tangible amount of silver held in secure reserves. The silver reserves are regularly audited by an independent firm to ensure transparency and trust. The supply of MAYCOINS is not fixed; it increases in direct proportion to the amount of silver added to reserves.

0800 677 1898

Edinburgh Scotland
Or 0800 677 1899 FAX

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